Donate to our Silent Auction!

Donate to our Silent Auction!


Mark your calendar because we’re celebrating LIM359 with a fundraiser! Join us on Sunday, September 8th at The District for the 6th annual HopFest, raising funds for LIM359!

Today, I am inviting you to become part of our LIM359 community by making a donation to our silent auction. Your contribution will allow LIM359 to continue providing monthly activities to individuals with limb loss and limb difference. 100% of the proceeds raised from your donation will go to LIM359, as we are 100% volunteer based!

LIM359 is an activities-based support group, and our mission is to provide opportunities for people with limb loss or limb difference to come together in order to share past, present, and future experiences through participation in group activities. In the past year we’ve gone stand up paddle boarding, skiing, hiking, and enjoyed numerous meals together, among other activities. Our activities encourage members to go outside their comfort zone in a safe environment. We believe that participating in these group activities with our peers fosters a natural sense of support among our members. To learn more about our work, please visit

Click here for auction donation forms.

From all of us who benefit from being part of the LIM359 community, THANK YOU!